Greetings brothers and sisters in Christ, welcome to the Go Give Hope blog. The Lord is moving radically in Southeast Asia and we are excited to be a part of the work He is doing. Thank you for taking the time to browse through this website to learn about Go Give Hope and the passion God has given to people in Southeast Asia and here at home to fulfill the great commission. If you have already partnered with Go Give Hope by helping support us or one of the national missionaries or teachers in Southeast Asia, we thank you very much and are truly blessed to have you join us in seeing the gospel spread to those who need to hear it.
February to March are the dates for the next short term trip to Southeast Asia. Imli, Jeff and Kia will be helping train and encourage church planters and teachers. Each member of the team has their own prayer needs in preparation for and during the trip.
Pastor Jeff has been a pastor for 28 years. He asks for safe travels to and around Southeast Asia. He also asks for favor with the government upon entering the country. There are three different leadership trainings planned for church planters that he asks be covered in prayer. The team will be reaching out to a new tribe on this trip. This is an open door to continue to spread the truth throughout the country.
IJ has served in Southeast Asia since 1998 asked for prayer for new believers, that the seed planted in their hearts would be watered and grow. Also, for the children who are moving up to new classes. Pray that they would continue to grow and learn in order to better themselves and their families because of their education. Imli wanted people to know that in preparation for this trip God has been specifically speaking to him about loving your neighbor as yourself. “If I truly love my neighbor, I want them to have what I have.”

Kia will be traveling to Southeast Asia for the first time, though she is no stranger to the mission field. The Lord called Kia to Himself when to she decided to go on a mission trip to Haiti. “That trip changed my life. It was in preparation for this trip when I fully gave my life to the Lord.” Kia later went to Bible College where she graduated with an associate in theology and has been extensively involved with children’s ministry at her home church. Kia will be sitting in on church planter classes and scouting out the region. “I am praying that the Lord will direct me in this scouting trip and will show me His next step in the plan He has for me.”
Stories from the mission field can have a powerful impact on us as they give us a glimpse into the work God is doing in all the nations. Stories like that of brother Hank (not his real name). Hank was a Muslim who grew up in a very religious family. He attended Madrasa, a school for Islamic scholars. Hank lived his life by the Quran and teachings of Mohammed. After graduating from Madrasa Hank married and had six children. He sold fruits and vegetables to support his family. One day some Muslim leaders were having tea at a stall in the village talking about Islamic terrorism. Hank joined the conversation, saying he believed the terrorists were hijacking the Muslim religion. Shortly after this conversation a man tapped Hank on the shoulder and asked him if he knew Jesus. Hank said he knew about Him, but not very well. The man gave Hank a phone number telling him to call if he had any questions about who Jesus really is. A few days later Hank called the number and talked to a man named Bob (not his real name). Bob and Hank agreed to meet. Bob explained the entire Gospel to Hank and he gave his life to the Lord. Bob had to go, but told Hank to call him if he had any questions. A few days later Hank was having doubts and wrestling with his new faith. That night Hank dreamed of a man, but could not see his face. The man told Hank, “Don’t doubt yourself; you have made the right decision.” Hank woke up and his doubts and fears were gone. He called Bob and asked to meet with him. Hank told Bob about the dream and re-dedicated his life to the Lord. Bob baptized him the same day. Bob told Hank that he must share the gospel of Jesus with people whenever he got the chance. Hank’s wife and children gave their lives to the Lord and Hank has planted several house churches in the region where he lives.
Go Give Hope exists to help teach and train people like Hank to go and make disciples. Once the team returns home there will be more stories to share. Until then, please keep this team and our brothers and sisters in Southeast Asia in your prayers. God Bless.
“And the second, like it, is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:31