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There are still millions of people that have not heard about Jesus Christ. The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. Therefore God has commissioned all believers to go and make Disciples of all nations. Matthew 28:19-20 providing basic on-the-job training, emphasizing the importance of the Scripture and the ability of God's word to transform lives, along with evangelism and church planting skills from the 2 Timothy 2:2 principle. "And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also". 


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Church Planting
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Indigenous Church planting movement Training


Image by Rod Long
Explore and Discover Bible Study

This study follows the same idea of the inductive Bible study method, but is aimed at meeting the needs of the believers of South Asia based on their level of comprehension. This tool is helping to unlock God's word and is a powerful Bible study tool.

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